Donor Information
We need your help. Now, more than ever, our society demands that people know how to read. Sadly, for Lubbock County, 1 out of every 8 people are considered functionally illiterate. And we need your help to change that.
Thanks to you!
Students helped since 2016!
Our Goals
A 2nd GED Testing Site in Lubbock
400 Students Helped This Year
8,000 Books Distributed This Year
Thanks to you!
Children's books distributed since 2016!

Ensuring literacy is accessible, available, and affordable for all
The Gift of an Education
Education is empowerment. And our mission—to support and execute programs that enable people to become literate—is the surest way our students can take charge in their lives.
Which is why we're humbly asking for your support.
Please, help us fund our free programs so that our friends, neighbors, and community can grow stronger. Our desire to see Lubbock become a place where everyone can read can only be achieved with your help. Any contribution helps. So please, donate today, and help our beloved city—and the families who live here—reach their fullest potential!
Thank you!

Elizabeth Rivas
Elizabeth Rivas
Director of Marketing, Operations, & Development

What's the state of literacy in Lubbock?
And why does it matter to you?
Right here in Lubbock, we estimate that:
13% of people can't read
16% of people don't have a high school diploma
24% of people speak a language other than English at home
Those are people that are disjointed and unconnected from the Lubbock community. Whether it's because they can't read about news on the Lubbock AJ website, can't speak to their kids' LISD teachers in English, or spend all their time working multiple jobs and not taking part in things like the corn maze at At'l Do Farms. They're fractured from Lubbock, unable to participate.
And our community suffers because of it.
In areas with low literacy (like Lubbock), crime has a tendency to spike and prison rates increase, high school drop out rates and unemployment numbers rise, and low literacy affects health literacy which can lead to death. It severely limits economic mobility, trapping people in poverty and ALICE. And worst of all, it segregates us into pockets cut off from one another.
Literacy is a Lubbock issue. And it's hurting our city's future. That's why we need you to take a stand with us, to fight against illiteracy and to give a second chance to those ready and willing to improve their education. Whether they come to us wanting to provide better lives for their families, to prove that they can, or to connect better with the beautiful city we call our home, we need your help to pave their path to success.

Our Impact Over the Years
Students Helped
Children's Books Distributed
Students Helped
Children's Books Distributed
Students Helped
Children's Books Distributed
Students Helped
Children's Books Distributed
Students Helped
Children's Books Distributed
Students Helped
Children's Books Distributed
We value transparency.

Drop By
Address: 1306 9th, St., Lubbock, TX 79401
We're on the 2nd floor inside Mahon Library.