This is our Student Resource Page. If you need help studying on your own, check out these wonderful tools and resources to help you out. Please note, these sites and links are not affiliated with Literacy Lubbock, and as such, we have no control over them or their content.

GED Resources
Language Arts
Social Studies
Other Resources

ESL Resources
Must create an account; you can use on computer or download app to phone.
Must create an account.
Full online courses
Video lessons from different teachers
U.S. Citizenship
Library card needed; contact library staff for help at 806-775-2834.
Must create an account.
Flashcard sets that you can access and create for free.
Library card needed; contact library staff for help at 806-775-2834
App for increasing English vocabulary
Helps you read online, learn grammar, translate, and learn new words
See and hear English words