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About Literacy Lubbock

A student woman with a backpack

Welcome to our About page! Here, you'll get to know more about who we are, what do, and what stand for (spoiler alert: it's literacy and education). We're excited to share our story with you hope you enjoy learning more about Literacy Lubbock.

Reading Together
A group of ESL students with their teacher
A young boy reading a children's book
A pair of ESL students working through a textbook

Changing lives through literacy... one person at a time.

About Literacy Lubbock

In 1989, two awesome ladies decided to start Literacy Lubbock.  Their goal?  To teach anyone who wanted to learn how to read.


We've taken their mission and expanded it, offering more assistance to more people than ever before.  We now offer classes, tutors, tools, and resources in three main programs: Adult Basic Education, GED Test Prep, and English as a Second Language.  And to encourage the little ones to spark that love of reading early on, we have our Family and Childhood Literacy program, where we give away free books and instruct parents on the value of reading to their children.


Education and literacy are the surest, tried-and-truest gateways to success, independence, and stability for families on the South Plains.  They  allow adults to reach their full potential, become self-reliant, and pave the way for their children to build on their successes.


So really, the goal of those two amazing ladies back in 1989 was to save lives and give second chances.  And we're determined to carry that torch for generations to come, until everyone on the South Plains can read, write, and reach their educational dreams.

Julie Laughlin

Julie Laughlin
Executive Director


Meet the dynamic ladies working behind the scenes to ensure our classes, programs, and initiatives all run smoothly.


We're completely volunteer-based, which means these 3 powerhouse ladies coordinate with dozens of volunteers to help with our hundreds of students!

Elizabeth Rivas

Elizabeth Rivas
Director of Marketing & Development

Melinda Gonzales

Melinda Gonzales
Program & Volunteer Coordinator

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