Our Signature Fundraising Event
The Lubbock Book Festival
The Lubbock Book Festival is a multi-author, multi-genre book signing event. From Children's to Thriller, and everything in between, we connect authors with readers while celebrating that most vital, beautiful, and beloved skill: reading.
Because, sadly, not everyone can read.
The Lubbock Book Festival is Literacy Lubbock's annual fundraiser, which allows us to raise money for our adult education programs. We teach adults how to read, teach English as a second language, and help adult students who were forced to drop out of high school earn their GED credential. Plus, we give away free children's books to kiddos, so that we can get them started as bookworms while they're still young.
Literacy is a foundation. It allows people to achieve success, to shoot for the stars, to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. And we believe that this second chance should be accessible and available to everyone...
...and what better way to do that, then with a party built around books, authors, and readers?

Elizabeth Rivas
Elizabeth Rivas
Director of Marketing & Development